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Pentucket Youth Soccer Association

Coach's Code of Conduct

Pentucket Youth Soccer is a Member Association of both Essex County Youth Soccer and Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association, Inc. and as such, we are committed to promoting the highest levels of respect and consideration in the conduct of all participants (coaches, players, spectators, and referees) during matches at all levels. We want to ensure that matches are fair, positive, and enjoyable experiences for all of the children and adults involved. A soccer match should be friendly and unifying - a spirited social and athletic occasion for all.

To clarify expectations of conduct, we jointly expect all coaches to conform to this code of conduct at all times as outlined by the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association.

  • Before, during, and after the match, you are at all times an example of dignity, patience, and positive spirit to both your players and to your spectators.
  • Before a match, respectfully introduce yourself to the opposing coaches and to the referee/official(s).
  • During the matches and practices, you are responsible for the sportsmanship of your players. If one of your players is disrespectful, irresponsible, or overly aggressive, take the player out of the match or practice until they calm down.
  • At all times (matches and practices), you are also responsible for the conduct of the parents of your players and other spectators rooting for your team. It is your responsibility to explain to them acceptable player and parent/spectator behavior.
    • Before the season, send out the Parent's and Player's Code of Conduct.
  • At matches, encourage all parents/guardians/spectators from both teams to applaud and cheer for good plays by both teams. Discourage them from yelling at players and the referee/official.
  • During the match, do not address the referee/official at all. Do not question their calls.
  • Acknowledge good sportsmanship when it’s displayed as necessary.
  • If you have a complaint, report your opinion to PYSA or through the game report in ECYSA. Your observations will be taken seriously if they are presented objectively, factually, and formally. Do not email complaints directly to ECYSA.
  • Demand a sports environment that is free from drugs, alcohol and tobacco and refrain from their use at all matches, exhibitions, practices, and events.
  • Never coach a match or conduct a practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Never use profanity or make obscene gestures, or engage in any inappropriate behavior or conduct, at any time.
  • After the match, thank the referee/official(s) and ask your players to do the same.

Coaches who do not follow the expectations described above may be removed upon review by the Pentucket Youth Soccer Association Board.